In the year of 1910, the said church of Christ Holy Sanctified was organized in Keatchie, Louisiana, under the dynamic leadership of the late Bishop Judge and Sarah King with a board of nineteen members. Christ Holy Sanctified Church made its presence known as a part of the classical Pentecostal-holiness movement in America. Sarah was converted first, sanctified, and baptized in the Holy Spirit before her husband. She was also one of the first in their church to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, evidence by speaking in tongues. The church grew in numbers and congregations across America. They were preaching and teaching that if a person is truly born again, he or she must live a holy and sanctified life. Soon others became interested, sought, and obtained this blessing of holiness.

Some eighty years ago, this church was organized here in the north end located at the 3400 block of Taliaferro Street known as “King’s Addition” with a small group of faithful followers. They are all gone but not forgotten. The building was sold, and we moved to the corner of Short Concord and North Pearl Street. The late Bishop B.R. Brown was assigned Pastor in 1951 where he and the late Georgia McBride-Brown worked faithfully for seventeen years to make the church a success. During those years the mortgage for the building was paid in full.
In 1965 our church and property were purchased by the city, to a developer (Central Distributor) for freeway expansions. The Lord blessed us to purchase the now acquired ground at 3830 Pine Street, our present location. While waiting for our new church home, we had service in a small building on Pine across from Martin Elementary School from 1965 to 1966.

A modern single story brick building was erected including a sanctuary with a fellowship hall. New Temple CHSC was dedicated June 19, 1966, making it 57 years here in this building the year of 2023. The late Bishop B.R. Brown pastored for approximate 55 years. The late Emeritus Pastor Frederick Joubert pastored 5 years. The late Elder Cynthia Joubert Sherman pastored 8 years. We’re now under the leadership of Bishop Stanley Leon Kerr since 2021.